Surf & Creativity

Surf & Creativity

A unique program teaching the beauty of surfing and the basics of how to stand on a board or how to progress to the next level. Surf education that is fun and empowering!!!!  Surfing is about connecting with nature and our impact on our environment. We have a fun...
Surf & SmoothStar

Surf & SmoothStar

School holiday Surf & SmoothStar Clinic 2022 – No matter what level of surfer you are there are always so many elements to your progression. During our 3 day clinics we will be breaking down each stage of surfing and reading the ocean so that our students...
Winter Wonderland Clinic

Winter Wonderland Clinic

We offer you the chance to spend a weekend away on the amazing south coast in a beautiful national park celebrating the magic of winter surfing with a bunch of likeminded women focusing on surf progression with no distractions.  This clinic is all about bringing it...
Johanne Defay Clinic

Johanne Defay Clinic

Want to spend the day with a pro surfer learning all the tricks and tips on how to better your surfing in and out of the water? Well this is the clinic that will leave you wanting to get out there and practice all that you have learnt. A 1 day event with pro surfer...

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