Surf & Movement

Starts: 7 Feb 2021

Surf & Movement

A 1 day event designed to get you progressing with your surfing through the education of surf technique & moving better in and out of the water through understanding body movement.

Clinic Duration:

1 day

Clinic Location:

North Curl Curl Beach

Best Suitable For:

Intermediate / Advanced

Overnight Stays:


Designed for:


Clinic Session Times:

8am - 4pm

About The Clinic

Suitable for:

This clinic is for Intermediate surfers to advanced surfers but if you are a high beginner and are independent in the ocean then this is also for you.

Allow Mitch to guide you through slow, controlled and powerful movement that will enable your body to have more natural flow when in the water. With his vast experience as a practitioner which includes roles as a personal trainer, pain specialist, yoga therapist, pilates instructor, strength & conditioning coach and yoga instructor. Mitch will give you a 2hr experience which will leave you feeling more connection with your body and mind.

Video Analysis…
Get your surfing analysed by high performance coach Gee Cormack who will brake down your surf technique with clear and positive feedback and give you things to work on to get you to the next stage of your surfing.

A 2hr surf session with a bunch of likeminded women working on your surf progression and challenging your understanding of your capabilities.

Understand the fundamental movements of a surfer and what your body needs to do to be able to get the best results when your in the water..

"Gee's coaching style is so passionate, energetic and positive. She gave our daughter personalised goals that she can implement immediately to improve her surfing. Her enthusiasm is contagious and she really creates a strong bond with all participants as well as a creating a lovely culture within the group."

Wendy Thompson

Northern Beaches, NSW

Surf & Movement

Location: North Curl Curl Beach
This Clinic is best suited to:

This clinic is for Intermediate surfers to advanced surfers but if you are a high beginner and are independent in the ocean then this is also for you.

Start Date: 7 Feb 2021
End Date: 7 Feb, 2021
Price: $350.00


1 x 2hr Surf Session

1 x 2hr Movement Session

1 x 2hr Video Analysis Session

Your Coaches

Gee Cormack

Gee Cormack

Owner/Founder - Chix Surf School

Hi, my name is Gee Cormack  founder/ owner & head coach here at Chix Surf School and can I just say a quick Thank You for checking out the site!

As we are a school that works very closely with our clients getting them to their dream surfing ability through teaching them to understand fear, breaking down technique and empowering through progression it is important to get to know our coaches and how we fell in love with surfing and helping other women surf.

Mitch Barraclough

Mitch Barraclough

Body Movement Specialist

Mitch Barraclough has been working with many forms of movement from both an eastern & Western perspective professionally for the past 10yrs focusing on rehabilitation and strengthening for athletic improvement. As a professional surfer and an athlete who has come back from major injuries he has a lifetime of experienced in what the body is capable of doing. Mitch has focused much of his professional life on creating effective movement protocols for surfers & surfing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have my own surfboard and wetsuit?

It is always good to bring your own equipment for the clinic so that we can help guide you on how to ride your board better but we are happy to provide you with one of our progression boards if you are looking at trying something new and we can provide a wetsuit if you don't have one. Just make sure you let us know before the event so we can provide it for you.

What if there are different levels of surfers at the clinic?

At our Winter Wonderland Clinics we provide multiple coaches to accommodate for all levels of surfing and depending on the surfing level will determine where each group surfs so no matter what level we will be able to provide a safe space to run classes.

Do I need to be able to ride a SmoothStar to come along to the clinic?

No you can be a beginner no worries at all but It is always good to have at least ridden a SmoothStar once or twice before to get the most out of this clinic as we will be working on technique correction, speed generating and wave simulation drills . You don't need to be amazing on a SmoothStar but it's always good to have been on one once or something similar at least a few times.

Do I need to have my own SmoothStar or can I ride a different board?

No we are not able to allow other types of surf trainers into this clinic as the drills and training is designed around simulating surfing and the SmoothStar boards are the closest feel to surfing so we work specifically with these boards to get the best results. We are totally more than happy for you to bring your other board and after the training you can try the drills with your normal boards no problems at all. We will provide SmoothStar boards for anyone that doesn't have one.

What protection do you provide for the On Land SmoothStar training?

We provide a helmet for anyone that doesn't have one as it is a requirement to have one on during any on land SmoothStar training. If you would like more protection during the training we are more than happy for you to bring your own padding as some feel they feel safer with it on.

Do I need to bring my own bedding and cutlery for the clinic?

As the style of this clinic is "coming back to basics and connecting with nature" we are staying in the magical national park accommodation so we can really spend time in nature so the accommodation is fun cabin styles. You will need to bring your own bedding, pillow and cutlery, bowls, cup for the weekend again.

What kind of food will be provided?

We have an amazing chef for the clinic that provides beautiful healthy warm foods for everyone for Saturday and Sunday. We will have a wide range of foods to accommodate for everyone and we also have a coffee sponsor that will be providing us with amazingly tasty coffees, teas, and hot chocolates.

What if I have dietary needs?

No matter what you eat we will make sure your tummies are full of amazing food. We will send out a form for everyone to fill out in regards to their personal needs but you are also more than welcome to bring along any snacks and special foods that will make sure you smile all weekend. Just let us know what you're bringing or what you need.

Do I have to participate in all the activities?

No you surely do not. We put a range of activities on but you can take it at your own pace and rest or relax whenever you like. It's a weekend for learning, growing and bonding and that can happen in your own way at your own pace.

What if I don't have a car?

It's no problem at all if you don't have transport to the location we are sure you will be able to carpool with someone else that is coming along so just make sure you let us know well in advance and we can partner you up with one of the other ladies coming along for the weekend.

Do we get to keep the footage from the video analysis session?

Yes you sure do. All the footage that is taken from the surf session is sent to you via a link so you are able to watch over it all over and over again to remind you of what things you need to work on. It is just the raw footage and will be sent to you after the clinic is finished.


Warriewood beach is a perfect little hide away located up the northern beaches at the southern end of Mon Vale beach.


Freshwater Beach is our most Southern beach on the stretch of the Northern Beaches right next to Manly Beach.

Curl Curl

Curl Curl is the next beach north of Freshwater on the stretch of the Northern Beaches & offers great intermediate waves.

Mona Vale

Mona Vale Beach is also on the beautiful Northern Beaches of Sydney and is the next beach north of Warriewood Beach.

About Us

Chix Clinic Victoria 2021

Chix Clinic Victoria 2021

Location: Ocean Grove Beach, 13th Beach Victoria

Suitable for: Adults

Price: $350.00

Ability Level: All Abilities

Summary: 2x 1 day event helping you progress with your surfing using surf education, video analysis & On Land SmoothStar training. March 20th: Intermediate - Advanced Surfers March 21st: High Beginner - Low Intermediate Surfers

Start Date: 20 Mar 2021

Length of Clinic: 1 day

Surf & Movement

Surf & Movement

Location: North Curl Curl Beach

Suitable for: Adults

Price: $350.00

Ability Level: Intermediate / Advanced

Summary: A 1 day event designed to get you progressing with your surfing through the education of surf technique & moving better in and out of the water through understanding body movement.

Start Date: 7 Feb 2021

Length of Clinic: 1 day

The Indulge Clinic – 2021

The Indulge Clinic – 2021

Location: North Curl Curl Beach

Suitable for: Adults

Price: $380

Ability Level: All Abilities

Summary: An amazing 1 day event like no other... Surfing, Chocolate making, Wine tasting, learning about your surfing technique with video analysis and some amazing food to go with it. Could you ask for a better way to spend you?

Start Date: 9 May 2021

Length of Clinic: 1 day

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